Celebrate Fatu & Kenny with a donation to mission:brain
God has blessed us with each other. Your presence alone at our wedding is more than any gift we could ask for. But if you would like to show support in other ways, we kindly ask you to contribute to the effort to establish neurosurgery services in Sierra Leone.

Why the give to this mission?
Sierra Leone currently has no neurosurgeon or neurosurgery service for its 8 million people.
Fatu has been working with mission:brain, at The University. of S. Leone Teaching Hospital (USLTHC), S. Leone's Min. of Health, and the World Federation of Neurosurgical Societies - Global Neurosurgery Committee (WFNS-GNC) to build S. Leone's first neurosurgery department.
This initiative has supported the training of S. Leone's first neurotrauma surgeon and first sets of neuro nurses and supplied them with the instruments and resources they need to begin neurosurgery in S. Leone. But there's a lot more that needs to be done, which includes training the neurosurgery workforce and equipping the hospital to meet the high need for neurosurgery in Sierra Leone. Any donation to this initiative will make a massive difference in Sierra Leone.We are very grateful for your generosity.
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