Lisa Hannegan Humanitarian International Neuroscience & Nursing Scholarship (LHHINNS)
The LHHINNS promotes global advancement in neurosurgery and neuroscience by facilitating observerships, education, and research for healthcare professionals, helping address disparities in neurosurgical care.

Details & Who Can Apply
Open to junior neurosurgeons, residents, medical students, nurses, and junior neuroscientists. Four scholarships are available, with two for U.S. observerships and two for partner institutions abroad.
Funding Available
Up to $6,000 per individual for travel, observership, training, and research-related expenses.
- Required fees in host institutions
- Class, seminar and conference fees
- Costs required to carry out project
Host Institutions
- Costs required to travel from home country to host institutions
- Vaccination/medication costs required to travel
- Accommodation and subsistence costs
Everything you should know!
It's important you review this information before applying.
1. Personal Information
- Full name, address, phone number, and email.
2. Educational Attainment
- Details on your highest level of education completed.
3. Job Title
- Current role or position.
4. Employer / Institution
- Name and location of your current employer or academic institution.
5. Statement of Scholarship Purpose
- A clear explanation of why you are applying for this scholarship.
6. Project Proposal
- Outline your specific project, including aims and a project timeline.
7. Current CV
- Updated curriculum vitae reflecting your professional background and experience.
8. Letter of Support
- One letter from a supervisor, manager, clinical director, or equivalent.
9. Two Letters of Recommendation
- Two letters from credible individuals who can speak to your qualifications.
10. Required Travel Documents
- Passport, visa, and other necessary travel documents.
11. Vaccination Records
- Proof of vaccinations required for the host institution/country.
Quality of supportive references.
Does the applicant demonstrate a clear passion for neurosurgery/neuroscience and health equity?
Has the applicant shown prior efforts towards collaboration and community service?
What is the value of the project to neurosurgery/neuroscience and the greater community?
What is its impact to patients, professional development and education?
How innovative is the project or activity?
Does the applicant exhibit the needed capabilities and experience to be able to successfully undertake the project?
Overall quality of application.
Applicants who are professionals must have a valid license without any disciplinary history. Student applicants must be in good standing with their educational institution.
Must be able to travel to the institutions they will be working/training with. Any Visa requirements will be the responsibility of the applicant.
Clearly demonstrate their interest and commitment to improving neurosurgery/neuroscience and health equity.
Must be able to demonstrate that they are able to work well with a team and be respectful to the culture and norms of their host institutions.
Should clearly define how the scholarship will positively impact their practice/education.
Submit a project proposal with specific aims and a project timeline. A project completion report is required at the end of the experience, or in the case of a long-term continuing project, a status report must be submitted.
Applicants are responsible for complying with specific requirements from their host institutions.
All travel requirements, including vaccinations, are the responsibility of the applicant, but costs can be covered by scholarship funding.
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