The Suturing Mission is a project organized by a team of Mission:Brain Humanitas students, freely supported by UpSurgeOn, aimed at establishing a peer-to-peer networking system to fill the educational gaps of medical students from countries with heterogeneous healthcare backgrounds.
The first step of the mission was the 3-day symposium held at Humanitas University, featuring a series of both in-person and virtual conferences, internationally live-streamed, and practical hands-on training sessions. This was a fundraising event, and the funds will be entirely used to sustain the custom fees of the country where the following suturing courses will be held.
We are proud to announce that many people have already taken part in the mission, and we invite you to become a part of it too! We have now opened the applications for interested chapters. We want to give the opportunity to all Mission:Brain chapters worldwide to recreate an event like ours and provide the same opportunity to all students worldwide.
The Suturing Mission is making a significant impact by connecting medical students worldwide and providing them with the necessary training and resources to improve their surgical skills. Join us today and be a part of this global movement to improve surgical care in developing countries.
The first step of the mission was the 3-day symposium held at Humanitas University, featuring a series of both in-person and virtual conferences, internationally live-streamed, and practical hands-on training sessions. This was a fundraising event, and the funds will be entirely used to sustain the custom fees of the country where the following suturing courses will be held.
We are proud to announce that many people have already taken part in the mission, and we invite you to become a part of it too! We have now opened the applications for interested chapters. We want to give the opportunity to all Mission:Brain chapters worldwide to recreate an event like ours and provide the same opportunity to all students worldwide.
The Suturing Mission is making a significant impact by connecting medical students worldwide and providing them with the necessary training and resources to improve their surgical skills. Join us today and be a part of this global movement to improve surgical care in developing countries.