Women in Neurosurgery (WINS), CNS Foundation, and Mission:BRAIN Foundation are excited to announce a newly established scholarship to support neurosurgery senior residents or junior faculty to perform a 6 month observership in the United States. This scholarship aims to:
1. Encourage and support women pursuing a career in neurosurgery at a global level.
2. Provide financial assistance for a 6-month rotation in the United States to female neurosurgery residents/junior faculty pursuing neurosurgery as a specialty.
3. Foster mentorship and networking opportunities for scholarship recipients.
4. Provide a research and clinical platform for scholarship recipients.
5. Promote awareness of gender diversity in neurosurgery and advocate for equal opportunities.
1. Encourage and support women pursuing a career in neurosurgery at a global level.
2. Provide financial assistance for a 6-month rotation in the United States to female neurosurgery residents/junior faculty pursuing neurosurgery as a specialty.
3. Foster mentorship and networking opportunities for scholarship recipients.
4. Provide a research and clinical platform for scholarship recipients.
5. Promote awareness of gender diversity in neurosurgery and advocate for equal opportunities.
The Mission:BRAIN x Women in Neurosurgery Scholarship aims to promote diversity and inclusion of women in the field of neurosurgery, to increase representation by supporting female neurosurgery residents from diverse perspectives and backgrounds, to encourage role models, and to contribute to research in neurosurgery at a global level.
Who can apply?
The Mission:BRAIN x Women in Neurosurgery Scholarship is open to female neurosurgery residents and junior faculty. A total of two scholarships will be awarded for observership and research in the U.S.
Funding Available:
The Mission:BRAIN x Women in Neurosurgery scholarship will award up to $25,000 per individual to support travel, observership, training, research activities and other expenses related to their neurosurgical educational experience in the US for 6 months.
The applicant will be able to spend 6 months at the host institution.
Host Institutions and Attendings for first year:
1. Dr. Maryam Rahman – University of Florida
2. Dr. Laura Snyder – Barrow Neurological Institute
a. Observe and learn from their mentor in the host institution's operating rooms, clinics, and across the patient care continuum.
b. Engage in at least one research project at their visiting institution.
c. Attend all appropriate WINS and Mission:BRAIN events
d. Attend the CNS annual meeting and present their experience/work during the meeting representing as a scholar of WINS and Mission:BRAIN.
e. Attend the Mission:BRAIN annual lunch at the CNS F annual meeting.
f. Serve as a mentor as part of the WINS mentorship program
g. Serve as a Mission:BRAIN resident affiliate and as a mentor for the Mission:BRAIN chapter program
Assessment Criteria:
1. Curriculum vitae and academic accomplishments
2. The applicant demonstrates a clear commitment and passion for neurosurgery, research, and mentorship.
3. Quality of the letters of support and recommendations
4. Quality of the interview with representatives from Mission:BRAIN Foundation, Women in Neurosurgery Foundation, and Congress of Neurosurgery Foundation.
Submitting your Application:
Please submit your application by emailing all requirements to [email protected] with email subject line "WINS Application"
The Mission:BRAIN x Women in Neurosurgery Scholarship aims to promote diversity and inclusion of women in the field of neurosurgery, to increase representation by supporting female neurosurgery residents from diverse perspectives and backgrounds, to encourage role models, and to contribute to research in neurosurgery at a global level.
Who can apply?
The Mission:BRAIN x Women in Neurosurgery Scholarship is open to female neurosurgery residents and junior faculty. A total of two scholarships will be awarded for observership and research in the U.S.
Funding Available:
The Mission:BRAIN x Women in Neurosurgery scholarship will award up to $25,000 per individual to support travel, observership, training, research activities and other expenses related to their neurosurgical educational experience in the US for 6 months.
The applicant will be able to spend 6 months at the host institution.
Host Institutions and Attendings for first year:
1. Dr. Maryam Rahman – University of Florida
2. Dr. Laura Snyder – Barrow Neurological Institute
- Applicant information
- Home program information
- Proof of enrollment in neurosurgical program indicating start and end dates for resident applicants
- Letter of good standing with their educational institution.
- Proof of appropriate licensure for junior faculty applicants
- Current CV
- Two letters of support/recommendation
- Statement of Scholarship purpose
- Describe what you hope to achieve with this scholarship experience and how it can benefit your professional development/education.
- Please include how this can impact your community with a global neurosurgery focus.
a. Observe and learn from their mentor in the host institution's operating rooms, clinics, and across the patient care continuum.
b. Engage in at least one research project at their visiting institution.
c. Attend all appropriate WINS and Mission:BRAIN events
d. Attend the CNS annual meeting and present their experience/work during the meeting representing as a scholar of WINS and Mission:BRAIN.
e. Attend the Mission:BRAIN annual lunch at the CNS F annual meeting.
f. Serve as a mentor as part of the WINS mentorship program
g. Serve as a Mission:BRAIN resident affiliate and as a mentor for the Mission:BRAIN chapter program
Assessment Criteria:
1. Curriculum vitae and academic accomplishments
2. The applicant demonstrates a clear commitment and passion for neurosurgery, research, and mentorship.
3. Quality of the letters of support and recommendations
4. Quality of the interview with representatives from Mission:BRAIN Foundation, Women in Neurosurgery Foundation, and Congress of Neurosurgery Foundation.
Submitting your Application:
Please submit your application by emailing all requirements to [email protected] with email subject line "WINS Application"